Miss Bunz

Fun Facts


Bunnies do a special dance called a binky. When bunnies binky, they jump into the air while twisting their head and body in the opposite direction.  A binky can be done while standing in place or while running sprints in the Bunny 500.  It is performed to show extreme delight.


Bunnies can be vocal. Some will tooth purr while soaking in gentle head rubs.  Others might emit a goose-like honk to express happiness.  Bunnies will even growl to let you know they are angry!


Bunnies are crepuscular creatures, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk.  They also take an average of 18 naps a day!  Jealous?


Bunnies wiggle their noses to communicate.  A slower twitch indicates a relaxed bunny while a faster one means greater agitation.


Bunnies can be trained to use a litter box or respond to a clicker.  They can also be trained to wear a leash and harness for safe outdoor playtime!