Miss Bunz

My Final Trix Contest Submission

I received disappointing news tonight.  Another bunny was selected as the contest winner.  I am sad but grateful to all my friends that supported me throughout the contest.  Until now, I have not been able to post my final submission but since the contest is over, I would like to share it with you.

For my final submission to the Real Trix Rabbit contest, General Mills asked us to submit a full body shot.  Mom and I wrestled with this request for days.  Eventually, we set up indoor and outdoor photo sessions.  We managed to get a lot of amazing pictures and mom even learned to use a real camera, not just her phone!  In the end, we settled on this one.

Miss Bunz Trix Finalist Submission

As part of our submission, we were also asked to provide more information about me:

How did Miss Bunz become your pet?

I met Miss Bunz while volunteering at my local rescue shelter.  Like many shelter animals, she was skittish and distrustful of people. Her shyness did not deter me. With a bit of love and patience, I felt she would learn to trust me.  When I brought her home, I was not sure how she would react to her new environment. I opened her carrier, held my breath and watched as she did a binky!  A binky is an expression of boundless joy. The bunny jumps in the air, twists her head and body in opposite directions, and sometimes clicks her heels.  I was fortunate to capture her first moments with me in her new home:


What are some fun facts about Miss Bunz? 

  • Miss Bunz is a free-range indoor bunny with access to the entire house.  She is litter trained and she is very tidy.  She has her own room, which is filled with a custom-built playhouse, forts, and tunnels for mischief making.
  • Miss Bunz enjoys the outdoors.  She wears her “police” harness when she wants to investigate the tall grass.  She also relaxes in her garden, which is fenced off for her protection.  Her favorite outdoor activities include trimming the lawn, digging in the dirt, and diving into mounds of soft snow.
  • Although bunnies are crepuscular, Miss Bunz is nocturnal.  She is most active in the wee hours of the night.  It is not unusual to wake up to the sound of the “Bunny 500” – Miss Bunz sprinting up and down the stairs and across the lower and upper floors.  Sometimes, a pause in her quick footsteps promises a binky!
  • Miss Bunz tweets, posts on Facebook, and maintains a blog (missbunz.com).  As a rescue bunny, she wishes to share her story and educate others about proper rabbit care.  Among her social media friends and fans, she is known as the “Queen B” – she often holds her head up high and displays just the right amount of “rabbitude”.

Does Miss Bunz have any brothers or sisters? 

Miss Bunz does not have any brothers or sisters.  However, since I adopted her, we have fostered 11 rabbits and 1 dog.  Miss Bunz was eager and curious to meet all of our fosters but she was most intrigued (and puzzled) by Ivory, a bichon shih tzu mix.

If you could summarize your household in 5 words, what would they be?

Adventurous, healthy, animated, diverse, resourceful