Miss Bunz

Bunny Exercise

Rabbits are energetic creatures that need exercise!

Although I am a free range indoor bun, mom takes me outside to play at least a few times a week. I have a harness, which allows me to run all over the yard (and forces mom to exercise too as she tries to keep up!).

Not all bunnies enjoy the outdoors but if yours does, consider a harness made especially for us!

Not all bunnies enjoy the outdoors but if yours does, consider a harness made especially for us!

But, rabbits don’t have much stamina — after a few minutes of running, we are usually ready to lie down and snooze.  For this reason, mom purchased three x-pens and set them up in the yard around bunny safe plants (click here for list of poisonous plants).  She sits outside reading or working on her laptop while I enjoy napping in the garden.  I wake up in between my short naps to explore the garden and get in touch with my wild bunny side!  While in the garden, I enjoy digging in the dirt and trimming the plants that mom neglects.

To protect against fleas and ticks, mom puts Advantage for kittens to the back of my neck once a month.  It is very easy to apply and safe for buns of my size.